The Festival Adjudicator John P. Kelly will present the following workshops:
Bluff your way in Acting
Tuesday, March 17th ; 1:30 – 3:00 pm, Days Inn
It’s all just showing off! All you have to have is the courage to stand up and say someone else’s lines distinctly. And not bump into the furniture! If you think this is silly – read what David Mamet says. But what would he know about the Art? He is only one of the world’s most successful theatre writers in English – and rich to boot! Is it possible he is right? Is it possible Stanislavski (who?) and Michael Chekov (who’s he?) are wrong? Join John as he looks at what makes an actor special on the stage. Come along and the next time an adjudicator suggests you let the pace drop’, you may be able to tell him he/she does not understand the word.
Bluff your way in Direction
Thursday, March 19th ; 1:30 – 3:00 pm, Days Inn
Anyone can direct a play; it is so simple. It is only about knowing the 101s. And that is simply knowing how to use space and time. That can’t be hard, can it? John P, with participation from all, takes a quick glance at what separates the good from the bad. What exactly does a director do? If your answer to that is that he/she is a ‘third eye’ then let’s just buy cameras for actors. If the answer is, ‘well someone has to tell actors what to do…’, then perhaps a course in benevolent dictatorship might be more useful. No, Direction is simple and yet complicated. Come along and see if you can learn the difference.
Playwrights Guild of Canada presents
Friday, March 20th; 1:30 – 3:00 pm
How will you celebrate Canada’s 150th Birthday in 2017? You might consider choosing a
Canadian play for your WODL Festival entry. This workshop will feature readings by two
of Ontario’s most recognized community theatre playwrights. Joan Burrows (Richmond
Hill) writer of award-winning plays such as STAFF ROOM and WILLOW QUARTET.
Also Michael Grant (Elmira) whose works include HAMISH and SHORTHANDED which
have had multiple productions in the WODL region. Owen Sound Little Theatre actors
will be reading scenes from Michael and Joan’s latest plays.
As an added bonus, Playwrights Canada Press will be setting up a book display at the
TRIVIA CONTEST – a little audience participation for extra fun.
The play reading portion of this workshop is made possible by the Canada Council
through a grant from Playwrights Guild of Canada and is open to the public. No
admission fee or ticket necessary.