A tale as old as time, Beauty and the Beast is a classic tale that has been one of my favourites since childhood. I can still remember where it sat on the shelf every time we would go out to rent movies (yes, kids, we used to rent movies). I owned the iconic yellow dress and I would parade around the house pretending to be a princess. I would throw stuffed toys at my dad and insist that they were wolves and he was the Beast. My dad and I even danced to “Beauty and the Beast” at my wedding. This show has always held a special place in my heart.
In my last year of high school, the musical theatre program put on a production of Beauty and the Beast. Here was my chance to wear a grownup yellow dress and let my dream of being Belle become a reality! Except, one problem, I was not cast as Belle. Instead, I found joy, love and laughter as Mrs. Potts. Through that experience I realized how all the characters were so imaginative, wonderful and they all brought a special unique piece to the show.
Fast forward to 2019 when musical director Emma approached me about directing Beauty and the Beast for OSLT. I wanted to do it, but could I do justice to a musical that has held a piece of my heart? Could I direct such a large show for my OSLT directing debut? I took a leap of faith and aimed high and said “yes!”. Originally slated to be in 2020, here we are… and this show is better than I could have ever imagined.
We had a tremendous turn out for auditions. I could have made many choices but I am so very happy with the cast we have. All talented, dedicated and most importantly, good people that are enjoyable to work with. I cannot thank them enough for coming on board and trusting me to direct them.
My glorious crew. I wish I could thank each and every one of them for their dedication to this show. Please look through the program and see how many people work on these productions-it’s outstanding. A huge thank you to Fiona M, Emma and Paula who have been with me since the beginning of this journey. A giant thank you to Paul and Terry and their crews for their incredible work on the sets, the most dedicated props person I have ever seen, Kat, and two fearless stage managers Sandy and Fiona who have been nothing short of encouraging and supportive. To everyone who played a part in this production, on stage or off, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Thank you to you, the audience, for supporting this show and community theatre. I am forever grateful. Enjoy the show!
Lacey Mooney, Director