Chosen as the #1 most authentic and convincing tribute act to Willie Nelson in North America, the “Like Willie” Tribute Band is fast becoming the first choice with audiences across our country.
Like Willie is a fast paced, energetic show that is lively, high spirited and engages the audience while producing a reverent and warm-hearted Tribute to the man himself.
Like Willie is the real deal, reproducing Willie’s signature guitar leads and riffs to perfection, he has the vocal timber and guitar virtuosity missing with most Willie Nelson Tributes.
Musicians and fans agree – Willie Nelson is an iconic figure in American music history. Guy Melanson as “Like Willie” pays tribute to the life and music of one of the world’s most
recognizable and distinctive musicians. Not just a Willie Nelson “impersonator,” Guy has found a way to reach into the musical soul of Willie Nelson and share it with audiences wherever he performs.