Bring everyone YOU love to the biggest Splash’N Boots LIVE in Concert event of the year – The Big Love, Kisses and Hugs Tour!!
Splash, Boots and the Big Yellow Boot Family are hitting the road with an all-new live show full of those Little Big Moments – moments of dance, laughter, connection, and most importantly, LOVE!!
We dedicated our “Love, Kisses and Hugs” album to YOU and the love we see every day between you and your families – and now we’re bringing the album to life with our Cross-Canada tour! We can’t wait share this with you- we love YOU the most!! Xox
Splash’N Boots has partnered with PLUS1 so that $1 from every ticket sold will go to support access to music education for young children. www.plus1.org
VIP seating includes: premium seating in the first five rows, a meet and greet with Splash and Boots after the show and a special gift!