Disney’s Beauty and the Beast
Director: Lacey Mooney
Musical Director: Emma McConachie- Anderson
Choreographer: Paula Mercer
Dates: November 10-12, 17-19 and 23-26, 2022.
You, Me and a Bit of Driftwood
Director: Kevin Haxell
Playwright: Samantha Cowell-Castles
Dates: February 23-25 and March 1-4, 2023.
The Game’s Afoot
Director: John Flynn
Play by: Ken Ludwig
Dates: April 6-8 and 12-15, 2023.
Gorgeous, Gallivanting Goddesses
Director: Bill Murphy
Playwright: Sheilah Spurr
Dates: June 15-17 and 21-24, 2023.